User Guide

Ooooooh here is the user guide for Duke.

##Table of Contents











  1. Add todo task.
  2. Add event with date (yyyy-mm-dd).
  3. Add deadline with date (yyyy-mm-dd).
  4. Show all tasks in list.
  5. Set task as done.
  6. Delete specific task.
  7. Find tasks that contains specific keywords
  8. Help to show commands usable.
  9. Bye


todo [description] - Adds a todo task.

Example of usage:

todo Workout

Expected outcome: alt text

event [description] /at [yyyy-mm-dd] - Adds an event task.

Example of usage:

event Annual dinner /at 2020-03-12

Expected outcome: alt text

deadline [description] /by [yyyy-mm-dd] - Adds a deadline task.

Example of usage:

deadline Analysis report /by 2020-02-20

Expected outcome: alt text

list - Show all tasks in list.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome: alt text

done [task number] - Sets a specific task as done.

Example of usage:

done 1

Expected outcome: alt text

delete [task number] - Deletes a specific task in list.

Example of usage:

delete 2

Expected outcome: alt text

find [task decription] - Finds task with keywords specified.

Example of usage:

find workout

Expected outcome: alt text

help - Show commands available.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome: alt text

Bye - Terminate program.

Example of usage:
